
Anonymous hosting rental service with i2p access

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Количество просмотров 20K
(Attention: there is no service, there is only an idea)

When publishing information bypassing censorship, a problem arises: how to publish information without revealing your identity and data leading to disclosure of your identity? The IP address can be considered sufficient information to determine the identity of the person accessing the server. Taking into account that all hosters usually fully cooperate with totalitarian governments, the process of identifying the owner/author of a particular site does not pose a problem. Naive promises of companies “not to disclose customer data” require very high trust, and, moreover, cannot always be fulfilled (lavabit is an example of this).

Below is a technical solution that excludes the factor of high trust (protection against espionage) and assumes moderate trust (they won’t abscond with money).

A commercial company buys hosting services (VDS, dedicated server, etc.), configures an i2p router plus an ssh server running via i2p, and gives the details to its client, who orders and pays for services only via i2p. Payment can be made using any cryptocurrency (for now let’s agree that it’s bitcoin), all interaction takes place via the i2p network.

Description from the company

The company has a website in i2p and accepts bitcoins. When payment is received, the company orders the service from the specified supplier (on the regular Internet), configures i2p, and gives the details to the client. At the client's request, the server is rebooted/reinstalled, and mail can be forwarded with support. In the most advanced version - API for management.

Description from the client side

Having visited the i2p site, the client orders hosting “on the Internet”, gets access to his server via i2p, where he places the necessary information.

Description from the side of the totalitarian regime

There is a website on the Internet. The site is on a server. The server belongs to the hoster, was ordered by an intermediary company, and then sold to an anonymous person for bitcoins, whose history includes several mixers and operations within the i2p network. You can seize the server, you can punish the company (if it is under the jurisdiction of a totalitarian regime), it is impossible to find the author using logs, recorded traffic and through honeypots.

Trust the server

We can safely assume that the server is compromised (as well as its i2p router) and is completely controlled by a totalitarian regime. At the same time, if the service is functioning (that is, it publishes information), then the authors do not care. If it does not function, then yes, the server does not function. Compromising the server does not allow one to reveal one’s identity, even if the publication of materials is monitored for quite a long time.

In this situation, the position of the company providing the service looks most vulnerable. Firstly, anonymity will significantly increase the number of abuses. Secondly, the company can easily be accused of collaborating with “rocking the boat”».

Most likely, the correct decision will be a rather strict position on network abuse (DoS, flooding, spam, etc.) and avoidance of the jurisdictions of totalitarian regimes. In this case, for local suppliers it will be just a foreign client, and for the security forces of totalitarian states it will be a company that cannot be prosecuted, from which you can only take away the current leased servers (which can be included in the cost of the service). With proper diversification of server placement across different jurisdictions, a fairly stable design should be obtained.

Service applicability

On such a server it is impossible to perform any confidential operations (disclosure of which could harm the owner). You can store it, but you can’t change it. For example, it will not be possible to raise “private mail” on such a server, because North Korean intelligence services will seize the servers and will be able to gain access not only to correspondence, but also to metadata (addresses of recipients and senders, IP addresses).

On such a server it is possible:
  • Storing data in a crypto container (Encryption/decryption - on the client side). Seizure of the server and interception of traffic will not make it possible to gain access to information; most modern cryptocontainers guarantee integrity. Data availability, of course, is not guaranteed. Please note that you cannot access data inside the cryptocontainer, because transferring the key to the server automatically compromises it.
  • Internet access. A secure anonymous channel from the server to the client allows you to hide the source/recipient of traffic from the client side. Note that the traffic itself can be considered completely public, as well as its destination (from the client side). It should be especially noted that the transmitted traffic can identify the client in an unexpected way (js snapshot of screen parameters/browser version, for example).
  • Public anonymous posting of information. This can be prevented, but the author cannot be identified. Moreover, autonomous publication (which does not require tunneling to client resources) eliminates the possibility of identifying the author through a controlled interruption of the Internet access service for communication channels controlled by the totalitarian regime. Note that without additional means (such as a cryptosignature) there is no way to protect the integrity of published information. Example: if there is a human rights website that publishes reports. An opposing totalitarian government, even without being able to identify the authors, may try to discredit them by posting deliberately ridiculous information and spoiling existing articles..
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Комментарии 41

Comments 41

Sign anonymous publications with an electronic key, so the author and readers will know that it has not been changed.
How can we anonymously deliver our public key to readers? The totalitarian regime will immediately intercept it and replace it.
It is assumed that “immediately replace” does not happen - at least not always. In general, to solve this problem there is the concept of WoT - web of trust, which implies that a person’s key is signed by a certain number of other keys that trust him.

The main thing is protection from spontaneous forgery, and not from supervising a person all his life from childhood through constant MiM (in this case, the person will not learn anything about cryptography, and what he learns will not contain working algorithms).
The totalitarian regime will immediately catch those who signed the key of the anonymous author and de-anonymize them under torture..
How can she do this using the key??
By signing someone's key, I certify that the key matches the identifier specified in it. For example, if the key states that it is the key of the owner of the email address anonymous@somewhere.nowhere, then I must somehow verify that the owner of the key I am signing is actually the owner of the specified email address. Otherwise there can be no trust. Those. signing someone's key equals de-anonymizing the owner.

The reader's trust in the author arises only when there is a chain of signatures that leads from the reader to the author himself. Thus, you can physically go through this chain, starting with the reader, and de-anonymize everyone, ending with the author.

In fact, no WoT is needed to identify an anonymous author. An anonymous author is a virtual personality that consists of publications. It is enough to reliably certify that the author of all these publications is one person. To do this, it is enough to have an unsigned secret key.
What you are describing is one of the variants of WoT, which implies “real names”».

But there may well be a signature of someone else’s key in the style of “yes, this is the guy who committed to my repository and made such and such a feature.” Or “yes, this is the same key that was signed for the famous leak of information from the FSB servers.” That is, identity,
which is confirmed has no output IRL.

Actually, signing is possible, for example, by a newspaper or a human rights organization. At the same time, for internal purposes, another key is used there, which (according to a well-known principle) is kept secret in its entirety, including the public key.
«yes, this is the guy who committed to my repository and made such and such a feature.” Or “yes, this is the same key that was signed for the famous leak of information from the FSB servers.” That is, identity
No, this is not identity. You can assure that X committed something to the repository, but you cannot assure that X is the author of that something unless the signer was looking over his shoulder during the authoring process..
I'm a proponent of duck typing..
Who's stopping you from buying a vps for 5 kopecks and upgrading i2p/onion/whatever? In this case, the setup itself is carried out via tor / vpn.
tor is an option, yes. If the setup is carried out via VPN, then the question arises, firstly, of trust in the VPN provider, and secondly, the problem of attack timing: if totalitarian Eve has the ability to delay packets for a specified time (for example, 100-300ms), then she can easily will find a VPN user by monitoring traffic between the VPN and the user and between the VPN and VPS.
and what will prevent the totalitarian regime from seeing where these 5 kopecks came from and punishing the buyer? Or are there already services that sell VPS for bitcoins??
and what will prevent the totalitarian regime from tracking the transactions of the wallet from which the VPS was paid for in bitcoins?
Complete anonymity is a complex and expensive thing, which also requires discipline and systematic action..
Pseudo-anonymous cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin can do the mixing. You can use zerocoin. There are also other options.

Those. Cryptocurrencies can make tracking very difficult.
Or are there already services that sell VPS for bitcoins??

There are, and a lot of them.
And they have i2p versions of sites, and they do not require passport data?
They don’t require a passport, and you can log in through TOR, as mentioned above.
There are such services!

And 5 kopecks can still be transferred anonymously - for example, by purchasing a virtual visa through the qiwi terminal and receiving data on the left SIM card and the left phone. If you don't steal millions and don't kill anyone, they won't catch up with you. :)
All of the above is a speculative exercise for the mind, disclaimer of warranties and all that..
Physical trip to Kiwi - recorded on CCTV camera. Registration for the “left” SIM card is a very illusory protection (since the owner can be easily found by parallel tracking with another SIM card).
I think that with the proper imagination and ingenuity this is quite possible.
Depends on how difficult it is to obtain “legitimate” payment instruments “in the regime”
Within the framework of your article, you consider the totalitarian regime as something omnipotent. But what then can prevent this mode from breaking into the server hosting i2p servers and making a hot dump of all RAM in order to identify the culprit??
Let's assume they do. Not even “break into the server room”, but gain full control over the business, and long-term.

Given: i2p hash so-and-so paid with bitcoins through a mixer, and then logs in to our honeypot.

What do we (as a totalitarian regime) have??
user hash without his address.
its content.
coin transaction history.
his public key
history in bash, etc..

Which of these allows us to indicate the identity of the author/owner of the server??
Okay, I naturally picked up the negatives for the previous comment. But then two more points:
1)Where is the guarantee that the service provider will not hide after receiving bitcoins??
2)If the supplier reveals his identity (ensuring the security of point No. 1), then is such a business profitable? Will he be made extreme in case of violation of the “law”? Is that why you are offering this as an idea and not as a service?? :)
This is called “low trust”. Usually it is earned in the process of work, and if the cooperation has been going on for a long time, if the supplier disappears with the money for 1 month (out of the previous 30) - it’s not a big loss.

There is a problem with “extreme”. This can be partially resolved if the company operates outside the countries where the placement takes place. For example, in the Falkland Islands, or in Ecuador. In this case, the order occurs in all countries, but operations are coordinated from a neutral country.
What confuses me about i2p is that sites remain sites in the usual sense - content and logic are centralized on the server. It's just that the road to get there is confusing. We need something distributive at this level. Something like a hypertext torrent, when the data is in different places and a raid on a specific server is pointless.
This is a different task. Very important, but different.

I describe a technical and economic solution to the problem “you need to make the server anonymous».
A UFO flew in and published this inscription here
What theoretically prevents you from creating a distributed frontend-only server? Essentially the same distribution as in peer-to-peer networks, only the content contains a bunch of html, css and js. Then the tyrants will not even be able to seize the server.
… and of course, signed by the publisher, so that tyrants do not “edit”. And also content updates from the publisher - with a signature.
As I understand it, making a distributed static web is not a problem - BitTorrent Sync can help (for example), but a static one is not so interesting, if only it were dynamic, but here everything is more complicated, starting from the fact that everyone will have to install their own web server ( which, however, is not so scary) and ending with the rather complex task of database distribution.
Just correct me if I’m very wrong, but now there is practically nothing on i2p networks except a couple of feeble forums for i2p developers. So the main crane can sleep peacefully.
According to my observations, life there is quite active. Not everything is located through epsilon.i2p.
And then you can make an overview of this most active life with addresses and descriptions?
I'm thinking about submitting for registration 248 sites. I don’t mind third- and fourth-level domains.
Websites in i2p
inr.i2p — самый известный регистратор доменных имен, который так же собирает имена сайтов с других регистраторов. На нем можно посмотреть весь список зарегистрированных живых сайтов. hiddenchan.i2p — русскоязычная борда anch.i2p — тоже борда, здесь собираются анархисты rus.i2p — русскоязычная wiki всея i2p pastethis.i2p — аналог pastebin flibusta.i2p — зеркало Флибусты, созданное Флибустой lib.i2p — тоже библиотека, но суто внутри i2p bashorg.i2p — аналог башорга i2push.i2p — файлообменник freezone.i2p — да простит мне НЛО, скорее живой, чем мертвый клон хабры с возможностью постинга от имени «anonymous» nnm-club.i2p — зеркало nnm-club, торренты остались в clearnet tracker2.postman.i2p — внутрисетевой торрент-трекер runode.i2p — русскоязычный торрент-трекер ptt.i2p — торрент-трекер без открытого реестра торрентов. lenta.i2p — новости progromore.i2p — wiki для программистов e-reading.i2p — библиотека hiddengate.i2p — сайтик, созданный для того, чтобы не-айтишники, не-крипотоанархисты и не-шифропанки смогли освоится в сети и не шарахаться от ужаса при виде чего-то, чем нужно хоть немного уметь пользоваться.
They will close the hub. How to drink, they will close. Somewhere in the area there is a link to resources with instructions on organizing mass unrest at the next big rally (which is on Sakharov).
Otherwise, we will soon have to read the Constitution of the Russian Federation, especially Article 31 of i2p…
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